Youth in Africa face significant skills gaps and limited access to economic opportunities, a challenge rooted in systemic issues such as inadequate educational infrastructure, mismatched skillsets, and limited vocational training.
One of our projects is a Technical and Vocational Educational and Training (TVET) rollout initiative in three African countries (DRC, Cote D’Ivoire and Tanzania) that develops programs aimed at fostering linkages to industry where youth can access vital skills development and economic opportunities.
Axum staff collaborated with our partner and supported the development of an updated, open-source industry-relevant curriculum in Cote D’Ivoire focused on public works and mining, developing a skills gap assessment in the DRC focused on infrastructure, mining, and transport and logistics. and in mobilizing and providing capacity-building support to a consortium of public works companies to increase youth access to industry-relevant experience.
Through this rollout, our partner was able to identify the skills needed in key growth sectors in the target countries and developed specific training programs responding to these needs, ultimately addressing underemployment and creating pathways for meaningful economic participation and advancement. Axum staff also provided tailored recommendations for an effective multi-year country program and engagement with partners in targeted countries.