Exploring the Frontiers of AI in Africa 

Emerging technologies (e.g., AI, big data) are driving the 4IR, and have a critical role in addressing Africa’s challenges and accelerating agendas. Several challenges (e.g., infrastructure, skills, governance, policy) must be addressed in order to fully leverage the potential of these emerging technologies and mitigate their risks. 

Axum is helping build the Emerging Technology Institute and Action Lab in Kenya, which will focus on amplifying use cases of emerging technologies (e.g., high-potential AI use cases), research and thought leadership (e.g., generating empirical evidence to promote evidence-based policy formulation regarding emerging technologies), policy and influence (i.e., engaging and supporting a close network of influential actors in the digital ecosystem), and capacity building of public servants (i.e., providing development opportunities and training on digital skills and emerging technologies). 

By 2030, the Emerging Technologies Institute and Action Lab envisions a transformed Kenya where technology and innovation drive inclusive economic growth, foster sustainable development, and significantly improve the lives of millions of citizens.